Tekumel Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf

Tekumel: Empire of the Petal Throne (Guardians of Order)

  • My EPT Conversion to T:EPT in PDF format.

Gardásiyal (TOME)

  • The Gardásiyal table of contents.
  • A Gardásiyal variant by Sarah Newton.
  • A substantially-modified combat engine for Gardásiyal by Nick Bogan.
  • Suggested errata for Gardásiyal creature stats by Nick Bogan.

Swords and Glory (Gamescience)

  • A couple sets of Swords and Glory creature statistics in ZIP format.
  • Brown to black eyes are the only phenotype, and noses are often hawk-like and large. Women, of course, are a shade or two lighter in tone, and their noses are slightly less aquiline and smaller. The eyes of the women of the Empire of the Petal Throne are famous for their size, shape, and smoky allure. People with grey or green eyes are rare.
  • A Tekumel game using a streamlined version of Tekumel: Empire of the Petal Throne. The campaign follows the triumphs and tribulations of a Tsoylani clan soon after a devastating civil war. The players are all promising young members of the medium rank clan Golden Sapphire. Their characters are assigned to accompany a legion on its journey north.
  • Empire of the Petal Throne (Original Manuscript) (M.A.R Barker's World of Tekumel) If you have a mental entry-point to the world named 'Tekumel' or 'EPT' then you may get rather excited about this document which was originally released prior to TSR's 1975 release of this D&D based game.

Tekumel is one of the original Game Settings in RPGs, and apparently the author has been running a campaign for thirty years. That’s some serious genes. I thought this would be a great new setting, a chance to see something a bit more coherent than the typical D&D style fantasy setting. Empire of the Petal Throne? Oh, it's okay I guess, if you like eating bugs. The world is called Tekumel and the author was Professor M.A.R. There are some novels set there, the first being the Man of Gold. In the 1970s, people used to learn the languages of this world, apparently.

Empire of the Petal Throne (TSR)

  • Nonhuman Species of Tékumel for EPT by Erick-Noel Bouchard.
  • Amulets for EPT, my amulet determination table from the old Journals.

Tirikélu (Dave Morris Shareware)

  • Dave Morris' Tirikélu rules in PDF format.
  • Steve Charbonneau's Tirikélu character sheet in PDF format.

Kashtlanmüyal (The Eye of All-Seeing Wonder)

  • A simple system published in The Eye of All-Seeing Wonder, Spring 1995.

GURPS Conversions (Steve Jackson Games)

  • My GURPS Tékumel rules.
  • My EPT-to-GURPS rules.

The Fantasy Trip Conversion (Metagaming)

  • EPT-to-TFT Creatures and Races created by Justin Grabowski.

FUDGE Conversion (Grey Ghost Press)

  • FUDGE Tékumel created by Tony Davis.

RuneQuest Conversion (Chaosium)

  • Sandy Peterson's Runequest Tékumel in PDF format.

TORG Conversion (West End Games)

  • Fred Parham's TORG description of Tékumel.

AD&D Conversion (Wizards of the Coast)

  • An AD&D conversion by Bob Dushay.
  • Setnaffa's Player's Guide by John Bailey in ZIPped DOC format.

D&D 3rd Ed. Conversion (Wizards of the Coast)

  • A D&D 3rd Ed. conversion by Sammy Grimes in zipped Word format.
  • A D&D 3rd Ed. conversion by contributors from the Tékumel community, including Nick Bogan, Louise Hayes, Scott Maxwell, Brion Oliver and Victor Raymond.

Freeform Rules

  • Cinematic Roleplaying for EPT by Cybercelt/Evil Overlord.
  • Fast, Easy D100 Narrative Adventures for EPT, based on 'How to Play Tekumel' by Bob Alberti.

Chronicles of Talislanta Rules (Bard Games)

Tekumel Empire Of The Petal Throne Pdf Online

  • Talislanta Chronicles Modification by 'Beast Without a Tail'.

Home /Books/Empire Of The Petal Throne/Fanworks/Tekumel.com/Misc/

OpenD6 Rules (West End Games)

?Gene Vat? Genetic Manipulation Devices.pdf

A Gard?siyal Mapmaking Guide.pdf

  • Empire Of The Petal Throne D6 (EPTD6) by Peter Robbins.

Empire Of The Petal Throne A Thief Of Jakalla.pdf

Savage Worlds (Pinnacle)

Empire Of The Petal Throne Adventures On Tekumel - Growing Up On Tekumel.pdf

  • Savage Tekumel by Delbert Jackson.
  • Savage Worlds Ideas by Mark Siefert.

?Harnessing The Tides Of Time? By Juch?ssa Betr?nian Of Ts?mra.pdf

Fantasy Craft (Crafty Games)

  • Tekumel Conversion for Fantasy Craft by Edmund Wilfong.