Good afternoon all, When I run Aruba firmware update check from within Instant OS, it shows nothing to update but when I bypass our filter it shows there is an update available. I have enabled on our web filter but wondering what else do I have to whitelist to gain firmware updates without bypassing our fi.
Apple periodically offers software updates (called firmware updates) that improve AirPort performance, security, and functionality. Here's how to make sure that your base station is up to date.
Before you begin
- The last AP5131 firmware release is v2.3.4.0-008R from 5/6/2013. This release is not publicly available on the Extreme Networks portal, but can be requested by reaching out to Extreme Networks GTAC Support via creating a case in the Extreme Portal or contacting GTAC.
- Ap-5131 Firmware Upgrade. In any event if you are ordering/deploying any new AP5131 or AP300s you’ll need to be mindful of this change and ensure that you are running the appropriate software releases and/or you have applied the specific patches. Ap 5131 Firmware Update Windows 10. You can find the release notes concerning the AP5131 right here.
- The AP-5131 firmware is automatically updated each time firmware versions are found to be different between the AP-5131 and the firmware file located on the DHCP/BootP server. If the configuration file is selected for automatic update, the configuration is automatically updated since the AP-5131 is unable to compare the differences between configuration files.
- Make sure that your base station and Mac or iOS device (iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch) are connected to the Internet.
- If your base station is performing a Time Machine backup or sharing a hard drive on your network, make sure that none of your devices are currently using that drive. Updating an AirPort base station causes it and its network services to be temporarily unavailable.
Restart your base station
Open AirPort Utility on your Mac or iOS device, then follow these steps to restart your base station. If you have more than one base station, restart your primary base station last.
AirPort Utility shows a graphical overview of your Wi-Fi network and any base stations connected to it. The primary base station (Home, in this example) is connected to the Internet via your modem or router.
- Select your base station in AirPort Utility, then enter the base station password, if prompted.
- On Mac, choose Base Station > Restart from the menu bar.
- On iOS devices, tap the base station in AirPort Utility, then tap Edit > Advanced > Restart Base Station.
If you can't restart using AirPort Utility, just unplug the base station for a few seconds, then plug it back in.
Check for a firmware update
- After restarting your base station, select the base station in AirPort Utility to see details about it. If you have more than one base station, start with the one farthest from your primary base station.
- On Mac, the details pop-up shows an Update button when an update is available. Click the Update button to install the update.
- On iOS devices, the details screen shows a numbered badge next to Version when an update is available. Tap Version, then tap Download and Install.
- Your base station automatically restarts after the update is installed. Repeat these steps for any other base stations you're using. Update your primary base station last.
Latest updates
Base station | Latest firmware* | How to download and install this firmware |
AirPort Time Capsule 802.11ac AirPort Extreme 802.11ac | Version 7.9.1 |
AirPort Time Capsule 802.11n AirPort Extreme 802.11n | Version 7.8.1 |
AirPort Express 802.11n | Version 7.8 |
AirPort Express |
* Information only. To download and install firmware, use AirPort Utility.
** On Mac computers with OS X Mountain Lion or Lion, use AirPort Utility 6.3.1. On computers with Snow Leopard or Leopard, use Airport Utility 5.6.1, which supports 802.11n models and the original AirPort Express.
Learn more
- Learn how to check for Wi-Fi issues from your Mac or iOS device.
- Some base station features are available only while administering your Wi-Fi network from the latest operating system for your Mac or iOS device.
- If one of your network devices isn't compatible with the updated firmware, you might be able to reinstall older firmware. On Mac, click the base station in AirPort Utility, then Option-click the firmware version number. On iOS devices, tap the base station in AirPort Utility, then go to Version > Older Versions.
This page contains various firmware versions for RUT2XX devices.
Note: packages for Package Manager are independent from firmware and can be downloaded in the Package Downloads page.
Firmware | Version | Changelog |
Latest FW* | RUT2XX_R_00.01.13.1 | 2020.11.19 |
Factory FW** | RUT2XX_R_00.01.13.1 | 2020.11.19 |
*Latest FW - firmware candidate for release. This version will usually contain some new features and/or improvements (described in the Change log section of this article) but it hasn't been fully tested and approved by Teltonika's testing and technical support units. If Latest is the same version as Factory - it just means that no newer firmware than a Factory version is publicly available.
**Factory FW - firmware used in mass production.
FW checksums
A list of firmware checksums for RUT2XX firmwares uploaded in this page: checksum list
Change Log
RUT2XX_R_00.01.13.1 | 2020.11.19
- Fixes:
- Randomized the global rate limiter to mitigate 'SAD DNS' attack
RUT2XX_R_00.01.13 | 2020.10.23
- New features:
- IPsec Xauth
- IPsec Passthrough
- Improvements:
- Added Input/Output default chain policy selections for firewall zones
- Removed IPv6 related options from Setup Wizard
- Improved WebUI page loading speed
- Added a possibility to set MQTT credentials for Modbus Data Sender
- Added options to keep connection open for Modbus TCP Slave
- Added TLS certificate options to HTTP(S) data sending for Modbus data
- Added the option to send SMS messages to multiple numbers on Modbus Alarms
- Added IPsec aggressive host enable option
- Expanded IPSec identifier validation
- Added WiFi SSID field validation
- Changed IP leasing sequence in mobile Passthrough mode
- Added SHA512 support
- Added MD5 & SHA256 checksum calculation for Configuration Backup files
- Added uploaded package signature verification to Package Manager
- Added new program that sends and reads GRE Tunnel 'keep alive' packets
- Changed default WAN Failover values
- Simplified key combination for opening a new CLI tab
- Fixes:
- Fixed Modbus MQTT Gateway not responding when connection with broker restarts
- Fixed Modbus MQTT Gateway not responding when topics gave special characters
- Fixed Modbus MQTT Gateway enable option hint; fixed option dependencies in data sender configuration
- Fixed configuration field validations in the Modbus MQTT gateway page
- Fixed MQTT topic validation in Modbus pages
- Fixed configuration field validations in the ThingWorx page
- Fixed Periodic Output Control table layout
- Fixed security related issues to file uploading and HTTP headers
- Fixed adding new L2TP and PPTP instances on non-English WebUI
- Disabled WiFi STA when authentication fails in STA+AP mode due to bad key
- Fixed WiFi SSID string handling in
- Disabled channel checking if WiFi device is turned off while in the Network → Wireless page
- Fixed duplicate 'Associated Stations' table entries in the Status → Network → Wireless page
- Fixed table design in the System → Administration → Access Control → Safety page
- Fixed not setting iptables rules for mobile interface
- Fixed saving APN after firmware upgrade
- Fixed default mobile MTU setting
- Fixed access to LAN page when mobile Bridge mode is enabled
- SMS-Utilities: fixed exiting when at least one Events Reporting rule was not enabled
- Removed IPv6 Subprefix Hint field from the Network → LAN page
- Fixed DNS push from OpenVPN server
- Fixed L2TP over IPsec with Android 10
- Removed crt_rms deprecated service
- Fixed RMS collecting data usage
- Fixed mobile status error for Load Balancing
- Fixed WAN MAC address value in SMS Utilities command response
- Fixed answer delay for Call Utilities commands
- Fixed key combination not working
- Removed Wireguard from the Network → Status page when this package is not installed
- Changed SNMP RX, TX object types to uint64
RUT2XX_R_00.01.12.3 | 2020.06.15
- Improvements:
- Improved RMS connection establishment
RUT2XX_R_00.01.12.2 | 2020.05.08
- Fixes:
- Fixed Verizon operator APN configuration
RUT2XX_R_00.01.12.1 | 2020.04.09
- Fixes:
- Fixed AT&T operator APN
RUT2XX_R_00.01.12 | 2020.03.24
- New features:
- Added sms remote configuration option
- Added 'Enable HTTPS' option in 'Access Control' page
- Added network frequency band select support for EG25-G modem
- Added additional service mode options to setup wizard
- Added Japanese language support
- Added TLS support to MQTT publisher
- Added mqtt subscriber support
- MQTT-Modbus gateway: add MQTT-Modbus gateway support
- Added ability to install packages stored in backup file
- Full Unicode SMS support
- Added time sync from operator station
- Added ntpclient failover to operator station sync
- Improvements:
- Removed wep encryption from WiFi settings
- Added profile scheduler and default configuration profile
- Fixes:
- Fixed TR-069 wan type value
- removed GRE tunnel option in Events reporting
- Removed config update from server option
- Fixed to display the same units of download and upload speeds in the Hotspot settings.
- Fixed not showing Hotspot users upload/download statistics
- Added ability to write hyphens to static lease hostname.
- Fixed RAM usage display
- Fixed password change URL after firstboot
- Removed change password error message after firstboot
- Fixed Web access Control via SMS Utilities
- Fxed signal strength logging and reporting
RUT2XX_R_00.01.11.3 | 2019.12.04
- Fixes:
- Fixed RMS not displaying data when using WiFi
- Fixed RMS not displaying WAN IP with WAN failover
RUT2XX_R_00.01.11.2 | 2019.11.12
- Fixes:
- TR-069 WAN type value fix
- RMS batch number instead of product code bug fix
- Added missing HMAC options and PKCS12 support to OpenVPN
RUT2XX_R_00.01.11.1 | 2019.10.21
- New features:
- Auto APN
- SMS Utilities Auto APN toggling
- Operators control & support for JioAPN
- Package Manager
- RMS wireless monitoring
- Port based VLAN configuration
- I/O power socket pinout image
- VRRP advertisement interval option
- Improvements:
- UPnP updated to version 2.1
- SIM switching optimizations
- Faster SSH private key generation on first boot
- Added network, serving and neighbor cell information to Troubleshoot files
- Fixes:
- Wget Reboot minimal interval for action 'reboot' added
- Ping Reboot packet size 0 fix
- Modbus WebUI fixes
- Modbus WiFi/Mobile on/off fix
- SMS Utilities table validation fix
- SMS Utilities UCI API fixes
- SMS Utilities SMS response status fix
- SMS-Utilities WiFi/Mobile on/off fix
- Clarified WebUI options for SMS Forwarding
- Hotspot Statistics tab shows incorrect information fix
- Hotspot session name validation fix
- Hotspot landing page file upload limits increased
- Fixed MAC address clone configuration
- Fixed sessions table dependency on authentication mode
- Events log network type logging on modem service restart fix
- Events Reporting typos that prevented rules being matched fixes
- WAN Failover option disappearing after language change fix
- Removed unnecessary from syslog messages
- Removed OpenVPN converting names to hex
- Added file upload limits
- DDNS name validation fix
- Hostname and router name after backup upload fix
- Mobile Data Limit firewall rule init fix
- Added missing password validation
- Fixed default VRRP config to follow RFC 2338
- Changed packages names in Package Manager
- Input/Output label & functionality fixes
- FOTA memory calculation fix
- Removed 'Site Survey' page
RUT2XX_R_00.01.10 | 2019.07.12
- New features:
- New flash validation added
- Improvements
- Added reply after mobileon and mobileoff SMS Utilities commands
- Fixes:
- Firmware upgrade with keep settings fix
- PPTP fix when upgrading firmware with keep settings
- Do not autocomplete non-system passwords fix
- Added validation for 'Service mode' change
- VRRP template fix
- Added validation for user group number format
- SMS Gateway: removed new line add after configuration save
- Added validation to prevent shell command execution via 'name' field in Wake on LAN
- NTP time zone options fix
- MQTT bridge with SSL/TLS connection fix
- 'Use DNS servers advertised by peer' does not save fix
- 'FW update available' fix
- WAN state and IP print fixes
RUT2XX_R_00.01.07.1 | 2019.06.10
- Fixes:
- Increased RMS HTTP Proxy resource limit
RUT2XX_R_00.01.07 | 2019.05.31
- New features:
- SNMP: Individual port status added
- openssl: update to version 1.0.2r
- dropbear: update to version 2019.78
- busybox: update to version 1.30.1
- uci: update to version 2018-08-11
- ubus: update to version 2018-10-06
- ubox: update to version 2019-04-07
- libubox: update to version 2019-02-27
- MQTT: added MQTT support
- WebUI: add additional band support for EC25
- UPnP: UPnP added
- WebUI: add events reporting and reporting configuration support
- Flash: Add XT25F128B flash support
- Strongswan: Custom option added
- WebUI: upload backup from lower firmware version support
- Fixes:
- Wireless: Station availability when two or more Access Points are created fix
- Mobile Graphs: Color and line adjustments
- WebUI: Overview->Network->Topology: WAN Failover redirection fix
- Strongswan: Shared-keys fix
- WebUI: fix input validation issues
- Mobile traffic: graph fixes
- WebUI: fix LEDs Indication setting
- QMI2: set 1st context to IPv4
- Hotspot: Restrict internet access fix
- Hotspot: 'Invalid' prompt after deleting session fix
- IPSec: No shared key validation added
- Email-to-SMS: longer SMS fix
- IPSec: Allow WebUI access with HTTPS fix
- RMS: fixed disable on sysupgrade with keep settings
- WebUI: LEDs Indication hint text fix
- IPSec: Fixed NAT rules application for IPsec traffic from WEB interface
- SMS-Utils: '00XXX' and '+XXX' synonymous numbers fix
- Wireless: Regulatory domain and channel change fix
- SMS-Management: Error message after successful SMS send fix
- Services: SNMP Trap redirection fix
- Periodic Control: Rule addition in Chromium fix
- Setup Wizard: Dialing number disappearing fix
- WAN: After interface edit, redirect back to main WAN window fix
- SNMP: Teltonika MIB file fix
- rms_mqtt: HTTPs proxy fix
- rms_json: Fixed WAN State and WAN IP
- Wireless: STA connection loss fix
- QoS: Speed limitation fix
- Stunnel: Removed unnecessay WebUI options, added validation.
- Port Scan Prevention: Disable fix
- Port Scan Prevention: Warning message for remote access added
- ledman: fixed led issue when there is no connection
- ledman: fixed led issue when rebooting router with reset button
- Wireless: Channel frequency dispaly fix
- Administration: RMS 'infobox' fix
- Setup Wizard: RMS 'infobox' fix
- Setup Wizard: Validation and redirection fixes
- VRRP: updated to 1.15 version
- LAN: Static leases fix
- Backup: Redirection to after backup load fix
- Network: 'Use WAN as LAN' availability fix
- WebUI: WAN as LAN when using main WAN WIFI fix
- Network: Delete static protocol options after change to DHCP fix
- L2TP and PPTP: updated services
RUT2XX_R_00.01.06.1 | 2019.03.18
- New features:
- Added 'More' SMS Utilities rule
- Fixes:
- RMS reconnect issue fix
- Hotspot authentication mode change fix
- Overview widget fixes
- Connection uptime widget fix
- SMS Management inbox read fix
- Wireless scan fix
- SSTP service update
- SMS-Utilities: various functionality fixes
- Restore-Point: Removed the ability to load restore points of a different router
- VLAN: LAN Network configuration backup fix
- Maximum length SMS message send fix
- Long SMS messages stretch out WebUI fix
- Ping Reboot: reboots after service is disabled fix
- Removed warning message when scanning for WiFi STA
- Setup Wizard WiFi channel select custom option remove fix
- Call Utilities: double zero in front of the number fix
- Setup Wizard: you cannot procceed with setup if you disable DHCP fix
- Restore to default percentage counting fix
- WoL: Use WAN as LAN fix
- Network Operators: Typo fix
- Events log: Typo fixes
- Hotspot Statistics: WebUI shows WiFi AP's and STA when they are not a hotspot fix
- Hotspot: configuration saves without advertisement address fix
- WiFi channel frequency display fix
- Mobile Traffic: daily statistics show wrong time fix
- STunnel text display fix
- IPSec text display fix
- OpenVPN remove TLS clients in TAP mode fix
- Hotspot: Tab placement fix
- Overview: Text changes
- SMS-Utilities: 'uci show' fix
- WebUI: added connection band info to mobile status page
- Mobile: fix for LTE band default value for different regions
- RMS: fixed logread messages
- I/O: fixed output state labels
RUT2XX_R_00.01.05.1 | 2019.02.22
- New features:
- Added Wake on LAN functionality
- Added Wake on LAN SMS Utilities rule
- Added STunnel feature to VPN services
- Improvements:
- Added every WAN interface selection to Qos
- Add modem restart option to Periodic Reboot
- Updated curl to version 7.64.0
- Updated OpenSSL to version 1.0.2q
- Fixes:
- L2TP network restart after connection loss fix
- OpenVPN service restart when TLS-Password is changed fix
- Mobile IP and gateway fix
- Overview OpenVPN widget display fix
- IPSec psk_key save after older firmware upgrade fix
- Configuration backup and firmware upgrade stuck on the 'downloading' page fix
- SNMP memory leak fix
- Mobile data limit keep limit after firmware upgrade with keep settings fix
- Remote access information fix
- L2TP IP range change fix
- Setup Wizard → LAN DHCP fields not hidden when DHCP is unchecked fix
- Hotspot firewall rules fix
- Data-only SIM fix
- Wireless Station and Access Point fixes
- Deleted unnecessary IPsec keep alive option
- Fixed GRE Tunnel connection
- Removed NOTRACK target from firewall rules
- WAN IP not showing on Login page fix
- DDNS process kill fix
- WAN selected as LAN fix
- IPSec restart when backup mobile fails fix
- RMS memory usage fix
- CLI Connect button fix
- Mobile traffic counter resetting fix
- Multiple OpenVPN related fixes
- Ping Reboot fix
RUT2XX_R_00.01.04.2 | 2018.12.20
- Fixes:
- SSH security fix
- Mobile page fix
RUT2XX_R_00.01.04.1 | 2018.11.15
- New features:
- Added NTP server, force servers option for ntpclient
- Added selectable network band support
- Added SSTP
- Replace bird routing package with quagga package
- Added WiFi MAC Filter address range support
- Changed RMS communication protocol to use MQTT instead of OpenVPN
- Enabled SSH diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 key exchange algorithm
- Improvements
- Updated mobile operator database
- Enabled Wired (Main) + Mobile (Failover) multiwan in default configuration
- Sensitive information (usernames and passwords) removed from router's Troubleshoot file
- Added warnings to Call Utilities when on 4G-only mode
- Fixes:
- Fixed multiwan restart sequence issues causing VPN instabilities
- Static Routes fix
- WiFi updates and security fixes
- Minor improvements and bug fixes for operator selection
- SNMP MIB values and file format fix
- SNMP Hotspot and serial values fix
- Redirect to login page after factory reset fix
- IPsec init script fix
- Overview WiFi widget fix
- Modbus WiFi enable/disable fix
- Modbus APN write and memory leak fixes
- JavaScript code multiplication fix
- DHCP server lease time validation update fix
- Hang up on watchdog reset fix
- Overview mobile WAN IP display fix
- curl: update to 7.62.0
- OpenSSL: update to 1.0.2p
- cacert: update to 2018-10-17
- arptables segmentation fault fix
- quectel-CM: updated to latest version
- GRE Tunnel delete after button press fix
- Update Teltonika contact address in Licenses page
- Disabled passthrough and bridge selection when multiwan is enabled
- Fixed lua dispatcher error after reboot
- Fixed multiwan metrics and priorities
- SMS Utilities SMS status WAN IP with multiwan fix
RUT2XX_R_00.01.03.5 | 2018.10.23
- Fixes:
- VPN shutdown at delete fix
- PPTP default gateway set and delete fix
- OpenVPN status fix
- OpenVPN configuration section name compatibility fix
- IPsec redirect after save fix
- Overview VRRP widget status fix
- Hotspot start after reboot fix
- Added default LAN IPv6 address
- Overview WAN wiki link fix
- Hotspot overview fix
- Mobile data counter reset fix
RUT2XX_R_00.01.03.2 | 2018.09.05

- New features:
- Added operators control with white/black list feature
- Added Administration -> Root CA page
- Improvements:
- Added many security updates
- Added firmware update information
- Added CellID information to Troubleshoot file
- Fixes:
- GPL: compilation fixes
- Configuration restore fix
- Disabled Hotspot users' ability to reach LAN devices and WebUI
- Port Forwarding IP validation fix
- System -> Administration -> Overview page loading fix when VPN configuration exists
- Some minor DHCP display fixes
- Call Utilities reboot action partial message fix
- DDNS IP source change and added time selection
- OpenVPN service fixes
- Some minor QoS fixes
- Some minor OpenVPN fixes
- Configuration Wizard: LAN page redirect fix
- Overview WAN IP fix
- Added Redirect to HTTPS information
- Troubleshoot TCPdump fix
- Changed 'Backup WAN' to 'WAN Failover'
- WebUI: language translation in some pages fix
- Hotspot: SMS OTP authentication fix (Mantis ID: 0022367)
- Overview VPN widget IP fix
RUT2XX_R_00.01.02.6 | 2018.08.22
- Fixes:
- Fixed GPL Readme
- Fixed JavaScript password validation
RUT2XX_R_00.01.02.3 | 2018.06.08
- Fixes:
- Fixed RMS status in overview page
- Fixed LTE signal strength graph
RUT2XX_R_00.01.01.4 | 2018.05.16
- New features:
- Added DHCP Force option
- Added RMS connection page to Setup Wizard
- Added forced password change
- Improvements:
- Updated Overview widget icons, added Teltonika Wiki links
- Added private key decryption function to OpenVPN client configuration
- Added additional DPD options
- Fixes:
- Fixed Wget reboot URL datatype
- WebUI: SSH access status fix
- Added special symbols exception to SMS-Forwarding
- Added missing Events Reporting config for SMS-Utilities
- PPP enable/disable bug fix
- Multiple Call Utilities fixes
- SMS event queries fix
- Removed unnecessary sim_switch message text
- Some SSH security fixes
- Updated Modbus sources and coding table
- Multiple OpenVPN bug fixes
- Graphs/Signal strength fix when using HSDPA+HSUPA network type
- Fixed VLAN DHCP leasing
- Administration password change fix
- STA mode logic changed
- Hotspot bandwith limit fix
- Moved IP alias gateway to advanced features
- Administration -> Overview fix
- Factory reset fix due to mobile connection problems
RUT2XX_R_00.01.00 | 2018.03.19
- Improvements:
- Added hostname validation for Wget Reboot
- New versioning logic
- Fixes:
- Output ON/OFF fix
- Firmware Upgrade fix
- SSH authentication logging fix
RUT2XX_R_00.00.553 | 2018.03.09
- New features:
- Added Redirect LAN to GRE function
Ap 5131 Firmware Update Software
- Fixes:
- Mobile Data Limit fixes
- User's password removed from users table
- Firmware upgrade message fixed
RUT2XX_R_00.00.539 | 2018.03.01
- Fixes:
- Minor Openvpn functionality fixes
RUT2XX_R_00.00.486 | 2018.02.27
- New features:
- Added two additional fields to Hotspot Landing Page link configuration (SMS have password, SMS no password )
RUT2XX_R_00.00.482 | 2018.02.22
- Fixes:
- Updated SMS send satus
- Added Modbus enable check-box
- Added firewall rule so the router would be reachable from WAN when access control is enabled
RUT2XX_R_00.00.474 | 2018.02.20

Ap 5131 Firmware Update 7.50
- Improvements:
- Added download MIBS button to SNMP page
- Fixes:
- Fixed style for VPN service pages, Modbus page
RUT2XX_R_00.00.388 | 2018.02.19
- New features:
- Added Relayd function that can make the router act like a wireless range extender
RUT2XX_R_00.00.382 | 2018.02.06
- Fixes:
- Fixed Wi-Fi logging to FTP function
- Fixed site blocking file parsing
- System Information texts fix
RUT2XX_R_00.00.377 | 2018.01.31
- New features:
- IPsec: added Transport mode, Firewall options, local IP management options
- Improvements:
- Moved Disable NAT flags from VPN to Firewall page
- Fixes:
- Fixed Firewall config for hotspot interface assignment
- DMZ rule position fix
RUT2XX_R_00.00.372 | 2018.01.16
- Improvements:
- Added to DDNS service providers list
- Added some additional SMS Utilities hints
- Added support for changing Wireless SSID name from branding script
- Improved Email to SMS function
- Fixes:
- WAN port status display fix
- Fixed SMS Utilities Write to config bug when sending mobileoff message
- Whitelist blocking fix in Site Blocking
RUT2XX_R_00.00.355 | 2018.01.05
- New features:
- Added WPA-Enterprise encryption type support for Wi-Fi Access Points
- Added Email To SMS, SMS Forwarding functions
- Added Wget Reboot function
- Improvements:
- Updated fw upgrade validation for future firmwares
- Fixes:
- Fixed bug of not being able to use hostnames as a destination for Ping Reboot
- Input/Output Scheduler backup bug fix
- System->Administration page style fixes
- Removed wifid due to security issues
- Configuration Backup bug fixes
RUT2XX_R_00.00.339 | 2018.01.02
- New features:
- Added IPsec option for WebUI access through tunnel
- Added Reset button custom hold time configuration
- Fixes:
- Minor Mobile Data Limit bug fix
- Renamed mibs file to TLT-MIB.txt
- Temperature display fix
- Added Async Control Character Maps
- Fixed minor grammatical errors in the WebUI
- OpenVPN hints fix
RUT2XX_R_00.00.312 | 2017.12.08
- Fixes:
- Some minor PPTP Server and Client functionality fixes
- Added fix to PPP Connection Type due to disconnecting mobile connection
- Real traffic fix
RUT2XX_R_00.00.307 | 2017.12.05
- New features:
- Added Hotspot configuration profiles
- Improvements:
- Added custom redirect address
- Added troubleshoot file download protection
- Fixes:
- Some minor Hotspot functionality fixes
- Mobile data logging fix
- Some minor Dynamic DNS functionality fixes
RUT2XX_R_00.00.296 | 2017.11.23
- Improvements:
- SMS Utilities fw_upgrade rule now works with Keep Settings
- Fixes:
- Minor Reregister function fix
- Use IPv4 only fix
- Minor mobile interface fix
- Some minor Site Blocking fixes
- Connect to hidden WiFi AP fix
- Multiwan metric change fix for RUT230
RUT2XX_R_00.00.284 | 2017.11.03
- Improvements:
- Improved Mobile Data Limit functionality
- Improved Load Balancing functionality
